Middle number of second line
<Jaldi 3
Any 3 numbers on the ticket
<Jaldi 5
Any 5 numbers on the ticket
<Early 7
Any 7 numbers on the ticket
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<Early 9
Any 9 numbers on the ticket
<Early 11
Any 11 numbers on the ticket
<Early 13
Any 13 numbers on the ticket
All numbers which has digit 0. If no Anda on your ticket, it's an unlucky ticket.
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All numbers which has digit 1
<Ugly Ducklings
All numbers which has digit 2
All numbers which has digit 5
<Hockey Sticks
All numbers which has digit 7
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<Fat Ladies
All numbers which has digit 8
All numbers with either digit 6 or digit 9
Numbers on the 4 corners of the ticket
<King Corners
First number of every line
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<Queen Corners
Last number of every line
<Corners with Star
All 4 corners alongwith middle number of the second line
First & last number of every line
Largest and the smallest number on the ticket
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<Double Temp.
Two largest and the two smallest number on the ticket
<Triple Temp.
Three largest and the three smallest number on the ticket
Third number in all the lines
<Smallest 5
First five smallest number on the ticket
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<Biggest 5
Last five biggest number on the ticket
First number of first line, second number of second line & third number of third line
Numbers in the circular pattern, see second image
Numbers in the ellipse pattern, see second image
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Numbers in the plus pattern, see second image
Numbers in the star pattern, see second image
Numbers in the cross pattern, see second image
<Center Plus
Numbers in the center plus pattern, see example
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<Center Cross
Numbers in the center cross pattern, see example
Numbers in the pyramid pattern, see second image
<Reverse Pyramid
Numbers in the reverse pyramid pattern, see second image
Numbers in the downstairs pattern, see example
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Numbers in the upstairs pattern, see example
Numbers in the stairs pattern, see second image
<Hum Tum
First two numbers of first line and last two numbers of last line
<Sehehnai Bidai
First three numbers of first line and last three numbers of last line
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<First Twins
First two numbers in all the lines
<Last Twins
Last two numbers in all the lines
All numbers which has another number directly to its left or right
Numbers in the C pattern, see example
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Numbers in the I pattern, see example
Numbers in the D pattern, see example
Numbers in the CID pattern, see example
Numbers in third, sixth and ninth column
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<I Love U 143
First number in first line, first four numbers in second line & first three numbers in third line
<I Hate U
Last number in first line, last four numbers in second line & last three numbers in third line
<We Love U 143
First two numbers in first line, first four numbers in second line & first three numbers in third line
<Digit 7
Numbers in digit 7 pattern, see image
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<Horizontal T
Numbers in rotated T pattern, see image
<Letter N
Numbers in the N pattern, see example
<Ab Tak Chappan
All numbers less than and including 56
<Railway Track
All numbers of first and last line
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Second, third & fourth number of all lines
<First Row
All numbers of the first line
<Second Row
All numbers of the second line
<Third Row
All numbers of the third line
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Numbers in the L pattern, see example
Numbers in the H pattern, see example
Numbers in the T pattern, see example
All numbers in the first three column of the ticket
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All numbers in the fourth, fifth & sixth column of the ticket
All numbers in the seventh, eitgth & ninth column of the ticket
<Odd Columns
First, third & fifth number in all the lines
<Even Columns
Second and fourth number in all the lines
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All numbers less than 50
All numbers including or above 50
All numbers less than & including 45
All numbers above 45
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<First Half
First three numbers in all the lines
<Second Half
Last three numbers in all the lines
<Odd Numbers
Numbers which are not a multiple of 2
<Even Numbers
Muliples of number 2
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Numbers positioned along the ticket border
Numbers excluding those on the ticket border
All numbers on one of the three lines. Late claim is not allowed.
All numbers on one of the vertical blocks. Late claim is not allowed.
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<Full Housie
All numbers on the ticket
<Non Claimer H.
Full Housie only for non claimers
All numbers on one of the rows. Late claim is not allowed.
Two numbers in one row. Late claim is not allowed.
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Three numbers in one row. Late claim is not allowed.
Four numbers in one row. Late claim is not allowed.
All five numbers in one row. Late claim is not allowed.
All numbers on a card
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